
Google Chrome를위한 Twitter Promoted Header

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  • 사용 언어: 한국어/조선말
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  • 4.6

  • 보안 상태

Softonic 리뷰

Twitter 프로모션 헤더: 'Promoted' 라벨을 트윗 상단으로 이동

Twitter Promoted Header is a free Chrome add-on developed by because_curious. This add-on allows users to move the "Promoted" label to the top of tweets, providing a more prominent indication of promoted content. Additionally, it also supports moving the "Promoted" label for trends and "who to follow" sections on Twitter.

One of the key features of Twitter Promoted Header is its language support. It is compatible with English, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Swedish, Ukrainian, Czech, German, and Spanish interfaces of Twitter, ensuring users from various regions can benefit from this add-on.

With Twitter Promoted Header, users can enhance their Twitter browsing experience by conveniently locating and identifying promoted content on their timeline, trends, and suggestions.

프로그램은 다른 언어로 제공됩니다.

Google Chrome를위한 Twitter Promoted Header

  • 무료

  • 사용 언어: 한국어/조선말
  • V
  • 4.6

  • 보안 상태

Twitter Promoted Header에 대한 사용자 리뷰

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